Early life
The family name Churchill actually is Spencer-Churchill (because he had a blood relationship with Spencer family), but starting with his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, whole families began using the surname Churchill.
Winston Churchill was a descendant of the family of the first widely known Churchill, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a political toloh is also the third son of John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough. Winston's mother was Lady Randolph Churchill (Jennie Jerome), daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome.
Winston Churchill was born in Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire; He was born without getting started when her mother started having contractions while traveling on the train the horse.
Like other boys from the upper classes at that time, his childhood was mostly spent at boarding school. One of the very widespread anecdotal stories as Churchill wrote the entrance exam to Harrow School. When the Latin exam, he just write the title, name, number 1 and a point. Even though he admitted, he was placed in a class for students who are not accomplished, the lesson is concentrated to the language of the United Kingdom, the lessons very well controlled by Churchill. Now, every year, Harrow School reward Churchill (Churchill essay-prize) for an essay discussing a topic that has been determined in advance by the head of the United Kingdom.
Churchill's mother (known at that time as Lady Randolph) rarely visited her son, despite that Churchill was very loved and admired his mother. Churchill often write letters, asking his mother to come out to his father in order to be allowed or requested he return home. After Winston adult, the relationship between Winston and his mother become closer, so their relationship is more akin to brothers relationships and friendships.
The relationship between Churchill and his father were not closely, though once he used to follow his father's career. In 1816, he proclaimed, "my father was Chancellor of Finance (Chancellor of the Exchequer) and one day soon, I'll do the same." He did not have many friends during his childhood and it is always remembered by him. Churchill was very close to the handler, Elizabeth Anne Everest, and was very sad when he died on 3 July, 1895. Pay the cost of his funeral in Churchill is the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium.
Her achievements at the Harrow is unsatisfactory, Churchill are often punished for its value and is considered not strives to learn better. His behavior that is independent and rebellious nature, which is often an obstacle to learning the classical subjects such as Latin and ancient history of Greece. Nevertheless he showed great talent in other subjects, like history, where he often get the best value. Churchill is often considered, especially where he himself beranggap so, failed to Excel in school. However, he never accomplished winning games fencing at the school.
Churchill had been a member of the Freemasons around 1895, shortly after his father died until around 1912.
Military Service
Churchill attended the Military Academy at Sandhurst. After graduating at the age of 20 years, Churchill joined the army as a Subaltern (similar to the rank of Lieutenant) in the Hussar Cavalry Regiment IV (with the name of the Queen's Own Regiment). Regimen was placed on the Bangalore, India. After he arrived in India, Churchill suffered an injury in his shoulder.
In India, Churchill spent most of his time playing polo. This situation is unsatisfactory Churchill who was young and hungry for military experience. He began looking for an opportunity to be able to join in the war. In 1895, Churchill and Reggie Barnes getting a permit to go to Cuba to be observers of the war between Spain and Cuba's guerrilla Warrior. Churchill also get the Commission to be a correspondent for the Daily Graphic newspaper. Churchill was thrilled when he was involved in a shootout for the first time on the 21st birthday. During a trip to Cuba, he had a chance to visit the United States for the first time and introduced into the community of New York by a close friend of his mother, Bourke Cockran.
In 1897, Churchill attempted to visit Greece-Turkey War but the war ended before he arrived on the battlefield. Therefore he decided to take a leave of absence and vacation in the United Kingdom. As soon as he heard about the rebellion Picture in North West Frontier, India (now Pakistan area), he immediately returned to India to participate in the war to end the rebellion.
Sir Bindon Blood, leader of the troops assigned to fight expedisi rebel Picture, has been promising Churchill that he can participate in this conflict. While serving in the army for six weeks, expedisi Churchill has also written articles for the newspapers The Pioneer and The Daily Telegraph for 5 pounds per article. In October 1897, Churchill returned to the United Kingdom. His first book about the conflict, The Story of The Malakand Field Force, published in December.
Churchill was officially placed in India, but he managed to get permission to leave the long term. Therefore, Churchill can take time for trying to be chosen as the soldiers to be sent to the Sudan, the army re-occupied this selected and will be led by Horatio Kitchener. Kitchener was originally did not want his troops, would be Churchill as but the Churchill connection so that meggunakan Prime Minister Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil sent a telegram to Kitchener. In the end, Churchill gained a position in the 21st Lancers--troops that is elected directly by the Ministry of War (War Office), and instead of Kitchener. He also became a war correspondent for the newspaper Morning Post with the wages of 15 pounds sterling per article. Churchill took part in rush of horsemen (cavalry charge) of the latter in the United Kingdom in the battle of Omdurman. In October 1898, Churchill had returned to the United Kingdom and began writing The book The River War was published in two volumes in the following year.
In 1899, Churchill left the military service and decided to assumed the career in Parliament. He was a candidate for the conservative party in Oldham, but can only occupy third place in the election, while Oldham at that time only had a quota for two seats.
On 12 October 1899, the Boer War began in South Africa, the second involving the British and the Afrikaners. Churchill became a war correspondent for the Morning Post for four months and get the wages of 250 pounds per month. After arriving in South Africa, he was aboard the train which was used by the United Kingdom under the leadership of the Aylmer Haldane. This train then slipped out of the attack rail road the Boers who use explosives. Churchill, despite already being civilians, led his troops to clear the railway from the remains of the bursts so that locomotives and some railway carriage that carried the wounded could be evacuated. Although the railroad was finally able to escape, Churchill, some officers and soldiers and the other captured prisoners of war in Pretoria.
Churchill managed to escape from prison prisoners of war. This action resulted in much criticism and controversy since it was considered that Churchill should have waited to Haldane and one more is planned on the flight, both of these men are unable or unwilling to take risks to escape by climbing a fence. After being out of prison Pretoria, Churchill roam almost 480 miles to a colony of Portugal in Lourenco Marques, Maputo Bay. A citizen of an English mine Manager helped Churchill by hiding Churchill in his rope factory. Then he menyeludupkan Churchill train aiming out of the Boers. With this action-Churchill became a national hero in Britain. However Churchill did not return to the United Kingdom, he decided to ride the ship to Durban to join the army led by General Redvers Buller. This aims to destroy the army troops in the besieged town of Ladysmith Boer, if successful these troops also aims to take the city of Pretoria.
At this time, despite still being a war correspondent, Churchill also gained a position in the regiment of cavalry. He took part in the battle of Spion Kop and became one of the first British soldiers who entered Ladysmith and Pretoria. Even Churchill and his cousin, Charles Spencer-Churchill (the 9th Duke of Marlborough), who plays for far in front of the British forces in Pretoria. Both of these men later demanded and received the surrender of 52 Boer soldiers guarding the prison.
Churchill published two books about the Boer War, London to Ladysmith via Pretoria which was published in May and Ian Hamilton's March in October 1900.
Political Career
Churchill used the alleged fame to start a period of political covers kerjaya for sixty years, served as an MP in the House of Commons from 1901 until 1922 and from 1924 until 1964. As a member of the Conservative Party, he moved to the Liberals and joined the Cabinet at the age of the early thirties. He is one of the political and military means for designers landings of Gallipoli which was met with failure in the Dardanelles during World War I, which led to him held as a "penyembelih of Gallipoli". He was the one who signed the Anglo-Ireland in 1921 which establish the State of Ireland. The Liberal Party was beset by internal divisions. After losing in the general election of 1922 to Edwin Scrymgeour he was with the conservative party. Two years later at the 1924 general election was elected to represent Epping as the conservatives. He was sworn in as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1926 under Stanley Baldwin and was responsible for restoring Britain to the Gold Standard. When the General Strike of 1926, Churchill was said to suggest mesingan is used to break down pelombong. Churchill edited the British Royal Gazette newspaper. When the argument he voiced that "Samaada countries break the general strike, or the general strike will break the country.".
The conservative Kingdom has were overthrown in United Kingdom general election, 1929. When Ramsay MacDonald formed a Kingdom in 1931, Churchill was not invited to join the Cabinet. Churchill is the lowest peak in kerjayanya. Churchill spent the next few years to focus the work of writing, including the History of the English Speaking Peoples (which is not published until after the end of World War II). Churchill is known for its opposition to the independence of India. Not long after that, his attention placed on the presence of Adolf Hitler and Germany increased the weapon. Create instantly, Churchill was a single voice, calling for the British to increase armament to rival the ferocity of Germany. Churchill is a critic of Neville Chamberlain police mengembirakan of Adolf Hitler.
The role as Prime Minister at the time of war
At the beginning of World War II, Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty When Chamberlain's put on service in May, 1940, Churchill was sworn in as Prime Minister and form a combined Kingdom. Churchill soon made a friend and Advisor to also encounter, Max Aitken (Lord Beaverbrook) was a businessman and owner of the newspaper industry, the leading responsible for controlling the spending of flying boats. Mind Commerce Max Aitken dexterity allow British and spending boost kejuruteraan flying boat with a proper, which contributed to the triumph when the time of the war.
Churchill's first speech at the time was an important source of inspiration to the British who are depressed. The fact that the leading "I don't have nothing to offer except for blood, work strong, tear, and perspiration" was his first speech as Prime Minister. The next speech before the battle of Britain, with "we shall defend our island, whatever the price, although we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing place, we shall fight on the field and the road, we shall fight on the Hill; We will not give up case. "
Although Churchill's role in World War II cannot be denied, he had many enemies in his country. He voiced his contempt for the idea of such a provision of general health and better education for the majority of the population led to a lot of dissatisfied among residents especially those who were fighting when the battle. Soon after the war, Churchill was defeated badly by Clement Attlee and the Labour Party (United Kingdom).
Bit Of Both
After the defeat of the Labor Party (United Kingdom) on the election of 1951, Churchill again became Prime Minister. In 1953, Winston Churchill was awarded two honorary degrees. He was given the title Sir became Sir Winston Churchill and Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for writing kepakarannya in the writing of history and history as well as her talent speaks in maintaining human values are high. Wind attacks in June 1953 ahmar memyebabkan Winston Churchill paralyzed the left side. Winston Churchill bersara caused health on 5 April 1955 but retained his post as Chancellor of the University of Bristol.
On January 15, 1965, Winston Churchill had the second-evere wind ahmar cerebral thrombosis-causes him severe pain. Winston Churchill died nine days later on January 24, 1965. His body was placed in Westminster Hall for three days and permakaman ceremony held at State St Paul's Cathedral. This is the first time the State was held to permakaman ordinary people since Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington's more 100 years ago. At the request of Winston Churchill, he was buried on the grounds of the family in the Saint Martin's Churchyard, Bladon, Woodstock, United Kingdom.
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