This is a well-known figure as the head of the party and also a former General in the Reform Era. On this occasion we will discuss about the biography of Wiranto. Gen. Dr.. H. Wiranto, SH was born in Yogyakarta on 4 April 1947. He is a military man and a politician Indonesia. He served as a military commander in the period 1998 to 1999. Upon completion tenure, he served as Chairman of the People's Conscience Party, or Hanura. He studied in SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta, the National Military Academy, Command and Staff College Army, Open University Department of Public Administration, National Resilience Institute of Indonesia, the Military College of Law.
His military career began to climb since becoming a presidential aide in 1987 to 1991, served Kasdam Jaya, Jaya Regional Commander, Pangkostrad and Army Chief of Staff. After serving as Chief of Staff, he was appointed by President Suharto became Commander in 1998 until the era of BJ Habibie. He was in the suspect involved in a war in East Timor in 1999 along with five other officers and the UN tribunal indicted involved in the violence that led to 1500 East Timorese were killed, but the Indonesian human rights court refuses da investigating officers and officials suspected kepolisisan are involved. Rejection is considered an abuse and make the State Department angry that Wiranto and his friend banned from entering the United States.
His career started brightly after Gus Dur served as President, he is believed to have served as Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, but not long later he was disabled and resigned. Having won over the Golkar Party chaired Ir. Akbar Tanjung, he advanced as a candidate for president in 2004 but failed with Salahuddin Wahid served as President.
In 2006, he declared Hanura and he served as chairman of the party's election tersebut.setelah legeslatif 2009, together with Jusuf Kalla announced his candidacy for presidential and vice presidential spouse, that candidate Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto as a running mate, but again failed to win a seat presidential elections in 2009.
In 2013, along with Hary Tanoesoedibjo Wiranto officially declare themselves as partner and vice presidential candidate with the slogan "definitely ahead of Indonesia". Wiranto over 35 years experience in the military and Harry is considered a successful entrepreneur can grasp and understand the problems of the national economy.
Wiranto has a wife named Hj. Rugaiya Usman and blessed with three children, named Amalia Santi, Ika Mayasari and alm Rizky Nur Zainal. Wiranto is very understated in educating their children and emphasize religious studies as a preparation of life. Additionally he implemented democracy in the family so that the children are free to choose, he did not develop a political dynasty family because it does not educate in a democracy.
Amalia Santi had become members of the MPR Forum Communications Retired representing Indonesia during the New Order, but because it is often associated with big name of his father, Amalia can only survive six months in the Assembly and decided to resign. Similarly neighbor reviews biography Wiranto and all that he achieved a career and family life.
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