Biography Anies Baswedan - Intellectual Young Indonesia

Posted by alfi

Biography Anies Baswedan - Intellectual Young Indonesia - Anies Baswedan Rashid Ph.D or Anies Baswedan born on May 7, 1969 in Kuningan, West Java province, Anis Baswedan is the first child of the couple Drs. Rashid Baswedan, S.U. who worked as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics at the Islamic University of Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Aliyah Rashid, M.Pd. who had worked as a great teacher and a lecturer in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the State University of Yogyakarta), Anies Baswedan the grandson of Abdurrachman Baswedan (AR Baswedan), he was one of the nationalist movement and was a Minister of Information in the early days of Indonesian independence. Anies Baswedan a young intellectual from Indonesia and prospective future leaders of Indonesia.

Since childhood Anies Baswedan been familiar with the world of organization and leadership. When he was only 12 years old, formed a group Anies young children (7-15 years old) village named 'centipede' (Growing Kids Club), they held a variety of sports and arts activities. Anies Baswedan commenced his formal education before the age of five. He entered kindergarten Shuhada Mosque in Kota Baru, Yogyakarta. Then, enter the age of six Anies inserted SD Laboratory Yogyakarta. Anies continued during her junior in SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Then, Anies continue his high school at SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. While in high school, had become chairman of the student council Anies as Indonesia when he attended a leadership training in Jakarta in September 1985. He became chairman of the 300 delegates to high schools throughout Indonesia. Anies that time had been in the first grade. Anies undergo high school for 4 years in 1985-1989 to be selected as a participant in the AFS program. Anies student exchange program AFS Intercultural Programs, which in Indonesia organized by the Intercultural Development, for one year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States (1987-1988). During his lecture at the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) (1989-1995), he was active in the student movement and the Chairman of the Student Senate UGM. As a GMU student, he won a scholarship Japan Airlines Foundation to attend a summer field course in Asian Studies at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.

Biography Anies BaswedanAfter graduating from college at GMU in 1995, Anies working at Inter-University Center for Economic Studies at GMU. Then, Anies get a Fulbright scholarship to study Masters Field International Security and Economic Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park. In college, he was awarded the William P. Cole III Fellow at the Maryland School of Public Policy, ICF Scholarship and ASEAN Student Award. In 2005, a participant Gerald Anies Maryanov Fellow in the Department of Political Science at Northern Illinois University so as to finish his dissertation on "Patterns of Regional Autonomy and Democracy in Indonesia". While in the United States, Anies active in the academic world by writing numerous articles and speaking at conferences. He wrote many articles on decentralization, democracy and political Islam in Indonesia. Journal article entitled "Political Islam: Present and Future Trajectory" published in Asian Survey, a journal published by the University of California. Meanwhile, 2007 article in Indonesian Politics: The Presidency, Local Elections and the Future of Democracy published by BIES, Australian National University. On his return to Indonesia, work as a National Advisor Anies field of decentralization and local autonomy in the Partnership for Governance Reform, Jakarta (2006-2007). In addition it had also a principal investigator in the Indonesian Survey Institute (2005-2007).

On May 15, 2007, Anies Baswedan inaugurated as president of the University of Paramadina. Anies became rector replace the first occupied by Muslim scholars and intellectuals, Nurcholish Madjid, who is also the founder of the university. At that time he was only 38 years old and became the youngest rector in Indonesia. Foreign Policy magazine insert anies in the list of 100 World Public Intellectual. Anies Baswedan name listed as the only person who entered Indonesia on the list released by the magazine in April 2008 issue. Anies are in the ranks of the names of prominent world figures such as peace, Noam Chomsky, Nobel Prize recipients, such as Shirin Ebadi, Al Gore, Muhammad Yunus, and Amartya Sen, and Vaclav Havel, the philosopher, statesman, poet, and icon of democracy Czech. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum, based in Davos, choose Anies as one of Young Global Leaders (February 2009). Then, in April 2010, Anies Baswedan selected as one of 20 world leaders who bring about change for the next 20 years Foresight magazine published in Japan end of April (2010). In edisikhusus titled "20 People 20 Years", Foresight magazine featuring 20 figures are expected to scan the world's attention. They will be instrumental in changing the world two decades. Name Anies pinned with 19 other world leaders such as Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, Member of Parliament and Secretary General of Indian National CongressIndia Rahul Gandhi, as well as a young politician and a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan.

Japanese-language monthly magazine judged that Anis is a figure which is one of Indonesia's future leaders future. In the 2009 elections, Anies to moderate presidential debate of 2009. In late 2009, Anies chosen by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to be a member of Team-8 in the case of a criminal allegation against the KPK leaders Bibit and Chandra. Anies, which is not legal background, was elected spokesman Tim-8. Delivery of systematic, calm and objective thought helped clear the air in a rather heated political climate of the time (Tim-8 working non-stop for 2 weeks in November 2009). Anies is a moderate Muslim who to date remain consistent in its stand not to take sides on the strength of (political) specific. He married Fery Farhati Ganis, S.Psi., M.Sc. and blessed with four children: Annie Pearl (oldest), Michael Azizi (second), Emperor Hakam (third), and Hakim Ismail (youngest). Anis Baswedan residence residing in Lebak Bulus, Jakarta.

Regarding higher education, according to Anies, college students and the relationship is not a commercial transactional relationships. A college should not see themselves as sellers jasapendidikan and see students as buyers. Higher education in Indonesia should be understood by the perpetrators as the driver of the nation's progress and positioning students as agents of change (change agents). Anies consider that youth is what will replace the role of the older generation in the future. In terms of management education, Anies opinion that it is expensive. For him, this is a challenge for the creative leadership of educational institutions to create alternative models of funding, both public and private. As an academic, for Anies, education must be supported by self-reliance in education funding is a necessity. At the beginning of the college may indeed need to be financed government, but in the next trip should be independent. In fact, in this case, Anis said that universities should be able to translate the language of management education in the language of modern business management.

In 2008, he pioneered the Scholarship Program at the University of Paramadina named Paramadina Fellowship. The program adopts a concept commonly used at universities in North America and Europe with a pin name as the title sponsor scholarships. If a student received a scholarship from institution B, which has become one of the sponsors, the name of a student listed names links, into A, Paramadina, Institution B Fellow. Andi example, Paramadina Adaro Fellow. Predicates must be used in a variety of publications and writings. Anies recognizes that the key to the success of a college is to accept the best (admit for the best). In addition, for Anies, college graduates are not that good after the race passed a CV (curriculum vitae) as possible. For him, the student should be able to make a business proposal when you graduate. Hopefully, they are not looking for a job soon but it will create jobs.

According to Anies, students have three main characters, the intellect, the moral and the opposition's. During this time, the last two characters can be said to have completed. The emergence of the movement of student organizations showed karaker student opposition. Although sometimes seen anarchist, but students have understood the moral boundaries that must be maintained. However, the first character, intellect, still lived. The implementation of these characters is the ability to write and speak internationally. Anies confirmed that at one time, a person not only citizens of a state, but also a "citizen of the world". With the awareness of being "citizens of the world", students can look forward. According to Anies, Indonesia is not a competitor student other students from leading universities in the country, but students who are graduates of Melbourne, USA, Tokyo, and others who have language skills, knowledge, and extensive international network.

He now had no consciousness beyond the Indonesia, Indonesia beyond. In the competitive academic world as it is, then it becomes necessary writing skills. Submission of ideas in written form will be worth it all. In fact, according to Anis, in building a civilization, a fundamental writing skills. In addition, the international language skills will help the students to convey his ideas. In this globalization era, the accumulation of knowledge should not be wasted just because the two conditions was negligible.
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OTIK 4 Tahun 2012 Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN SUSKA Riau

Posted by alfi

OTIK 4 Tahun 2012 Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN SUSKA Riau - Assalaamualaikum. Salam hangat untuk para blogger semua. Kali ini saya akan sedikit bercerita tentang perlombaan yang akan diadakan di salah satu universitas terkemuka di provinsi saya tercinta yaitu UIN SUSKA Riau. Sejak diadakan pertama kali pada tahun 2009, kali ini pada tahun 2012, kampus saya segera akan mengadakan OTIK 4 yang pastinya sudah dinanti-nanti oleh para pembaca.
Sebelumnya saya akan sedikit menceritakan tentang Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi yang mempelopori lahirnya OTIK 4 ini. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN SUSKA Riau merupakan salah satu fakultas yang mempunyai visi menjadi lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang terbaik dalam bidang kajian Sains dan Teknologi dikawasan Asia Tenggara yang berlandasan IPTEK dan IMTAQ pada tahun 2013.
Fakultas Saintek juga mempunyai misi yaitu :
  1. Menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berwawasan dan profesional dalam bidang Sains dan Teknologi yang terpadu dengan nilai keislaman.
  2. Menghasilkan penelitian keilmuan Sains dan Teknologi yang terdepan di Asia Tenggara.
  3. Memberiakn pelayanan dan pengabdian terbaik kepada masyarakat dan industri di bidang Sains dan Teknologi.
Ya, OTIK 4 ini memang menarik diikuti perkembangannya dari tahun ke tahun. Adalah Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN SUSKA Riau yang memfasilitasi adanya acara ini. Sesuai dengan tujuannya menjadikan teknologi informasi sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang cerdas dan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan berdasarkan koridor-koridor yang telah ditentukan dalam islam. Seperti pada OTIK sebelumnya, OTIK pada tahun ini juga tidak jauh berbeda dengan OTIK sebelumnya yang telah diselenggarakan sejak tahun 2009. Hanya saja kali ini telah ditambahkan satu perlombaan yaitu robotika untuk tingkat pelajar SMU/SMK/MA/Sederajat.

OTIK merupakan singkatan dari Olimpiade Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, OTIK diharapkan mampu mewujudkan generasi yang berpengetahuan dan mampu mengkombinasikan ilmu tersebut dengan teknologi  informasi yang dalam hal ini OTIK 4 dapat menjadi wadah para generasi muda untuk dapat mengembangkan bakat dan kreatifitas yang ada pada dirinya dalam menghadapi persaingan yang pasti akan semakin sengit nantinya.

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Biography Dono Warkop Jakarta - Indonesian Comedian

Posted by alfi

Biography Dono Warkop Jakarta - Indonesian Comedian - Full name Drs. H. Revelation Sardono or known as Dono Warkop, he was born in Solo, Central Java, 30 September 1951, he was the fourth child of seven brothers. He is known as the comedian of the group as a casino comedy Warkop Establishments and Indro. Dono Warkop menenyam childhood education in elementary school 1 kebon palace later after graduating from junior high school he entered the country on 1 Kebon Dalem, 3 years of education at the junior gardener Dalem he then continued his education at the state high school 3 Surakarta majored in Social Studies (IPS), in high school he was active in school organizations, proved that he had become the head of OSS in schools. After luluas SMA SMA dar 3 Surakarta, Dono wakop also went to Jakarta to continue their education at universities in Jakarta, he took the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, Dono Warkop also active in student organizations such as Mapala UI.

After graduating from college he was also believed to be an Assistant Lecturer Department of Sociology Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, at the same university Dono is also a Lecturer of Sociology Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Outside the campus activities, Dono Warkop also a broadcaster Radio Geronimo, hence the origin of the formation phenomenal comedy group "Warkop Establishments" which was originally named Warkop Geronimo originally formed by Nanu (Nanu Mulyono), Rudy (Rudy Badil), Dono (Wahjoe Sardono ), Casino (Casino Hadiwibowo) and Indro (Indrodjojo Kusumonegoro), who later became famous for Warkop administration fronted by Dono, Kasino and Indro. Nanu, Rudy, Dono and Kasino is a student at the University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta Indro while studying at the University of Pancasila, Jakarta.

They first achieved success in the events through Casual Chat Coffee Shop which is the claim of the Temmy Lesanpura, Head of Programming Radio Geronimo. Events jokes every Friday night between 20:30 pm to 21:15 pm, radio broadcast regionally-based Geronimo Mendut, Prambanan, Borobudur, aka Uptown Menteng. The initial idea came from a chat Warkop Geronimo Geronimo dedengkot radio, Temmy Lesanpura. Radio Geronimo asked Hariman Siregar, dedengkot UI students to complete the event in Geronimo. Hariman also pointed Casino and Nanu, the comedian in the UI campus to complete this event. This idea was immediately supported by the Casino, Nanu, and Rudy Badil, followed by Dono and Indro. Rudy Warkop originally joined while still broadcast radio, not daring to take part in making jokes Warkop stage, because the fever stage (stage fright). Dono was initially the first few minutes during a gig mojok first, because it is still shy and afraid. After a few minutes, then Dono start participating and start at home, until the craze continues until the end of the duration of the joke. Indro is the youngest member, while the other members have occupied Warkop college, Indro still high school students.
Biography Dono Warkop Jakarta - Indonesian Comedian
Warkop first appeared in a farewell party (if present prom nite) SMA IX held at Hotel Indonesia. All personnel shaking, aka stage fright, and the result is arguably just passable, not too successful. But events in 1976 was the first time Warkop receive an honorarium in the form of transport allowance amounting to 20,000. The money was perceived by personnel Warkop immense, but finally discharged to menraktir eat their friends. Their next gig at the Tropicana. Before the stage, the entire personnel mumble and chills, but the result was again
passable. Musical at the New Terminal (Mus Mualim care), group Warkop new Geronimo was actually born as a new star in the world of comedy Indonesia. Musical Events terminal itself not only gave birth to Warkop but also help introduce the PSP group (Arc Light torches), which neighbors Warkop. Since then they started skyrocketing salaries, about $ 1,000,000 per show or shared four people, each person gets no pitch go ceng (USD 250,000).

They also became known by the name of Dono-Kasino-Indro or administration (which is a pun of the abbreviation Raya). This is because their names before Warkop Geronimo has its own consequences. As long as they used the name Geronimo Warkop, then they should send royalties to Radio Geronimo as the owner of the name Geronimo. So then they changed their name to Warkop administration, to stop the practice of tributes that. After being on stage and talk in the air, Warkop started making comedy films are always in demand seen by the public. From filmlah Warkop personnel begin to reap the abundant wealth. With a salary of Rp 15 million per movie for a group, they were flooded with money, because every year they starred in at least two films in the 1980s and 1990s who at that time was always played as an AD movie New Year and welcome the Day Eid al-Fitr in almost all the major theaters across Indonesia.

Of all the personnel Warkop, Dono is probably the most intelligent, though it is rather the opposite of the profile face of the 'rustic' it. Dono Dono even Warkop also often hosted at campus events or weddings campus colleagues. Casinos also graduated from the Faculty of Social. In addition to comedy, they also had been in the world of nature lovers. Until the end of his life Nanu, Dono, Kasino and recorded as a member of nature lovers Mapala UI.

Dono Warkop married to Titi Kusumawardhani, Dono Warkop from this marriage was blessed with three children named Andie Aria Sena, Advanced Resin and Satrio Wicaksono Sarwo Trengginas. Dono Warkop alone has dozens of titles membintai comedy that carries his name soared with personnel administration Warkop others in the entertainment universe Indonesia in the 90's. World Lawak back country mourned when, on December 30, 2001 Dono Warkop died at Hospital Saint Carolus Hospital, Central Jakarta, about 01.00 pm after previously abandoned by another personnel administration Casinos Warkop who died in 1997. Dono Warkop deceased died akibar tumor disease in the buttocks and has spread to lung cancer late-stage, and attacking the liver, Dono Warkop died peacefully, in addition to his best friend, Indrojoyo Kusumonegoro. He was buried in Park Cemetery Land coachman, South Jakarta. Senior members of the funeral procession comedian Warkop this administration really touching. Thousands of mourners participated tears in his eyes because not hold sadness to see him go. Personnel Today Warkop just stay Indro DKI Jakarta.
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Biography Martha Tilaar - Entrepreneur Success Cosmetics

Posted by alfi

Biography Martha Tilaar - Entrepreneur Success Cosmetics - Martha Tilaar born in Kebumen, Central Java, 4 September 1937, he was a leading entrepreneur by the name Cosmetics trademark Sariayu Martha Tilaar. HAR Tilaar He married and had four children, Bryan Emil Tilaar, Pinkan Tilaar, Wulan Tilaar, Kilala Tilaar. grandmother of several grandchildren, was a woman who did not give up. When others say it's impossible, he still tried. The important thing is not to see the amount of obstacles in front of us, but how we solve problems. Incidentally, her husband had the opportunity to study abroad. He also took the beauty college and graduated from the Academy of Beauty Culture, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.

I graduated from the academy beauty Martha soon open a beauty salon practice in Uncle Sam's country. He made such a simple brochure flyers, promoting salon services. Various promotional efforts do like go to college campuses, into the homes of former professor to make up his wife. Similarly, the Indonesian students, or mothers who followed her husband overseas assignment. Returning to his homeland, he opened a small salon simple father's garage, measuring 6 x 4 meters in 1970, he continues to develop his salon, by distributing flyers around the neighborhood, salon pampers its visitors and invites them to talk conversation, to get closer emotionally. With proximity, visitors to feel at home and become regulars salon. Soon, two years later in 1972 he opened a second salon in the Wine Road No.. 3 Cipete, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, he started using a new trademark Sariayu Martha Tilaar.

Biography Martha Tilaar - Entrepreneur Success CosmeticsMartha also tirelessly continues to explore the natural wealth of Indonesia for salon products. The goal, is that Indonesian women and keayuannya maintained beauty. Marta Tilaar never met the woman with the children while carrying two children. His face looked old, worn and wrinkled. I think he was already entering a period of 40 years. Apparently, not yet twenty-five. Due to the heavy burden of life and never keep beauty, she looks much older than her actual age. Stepping In 1977 Martha Tilaar explore cooperation with Theresia Harsini Setiady, of PT Kalbe Farma. They agreed to create cosmetics and herbal medicine company, named PT Martina Berto, and Martha Tilaar Sariayu launched as the first product. Followed later by opening the first cosmetics factory in Jalan Pulo Ayang, Pulogadung indsutri region, eastern Jakarta was inaugurated by Mrs. Nelly Adam Malik, wife of then Vice President Adam Malik.

By 1983 Martha Tilaar established PT Sari Ayu Indonesia, specifically as a distributor of cosmetic products Sariayu Martha Tilaar. In 1986 Martha Tilaar opened a second plant, this time at Jalan Pulokambing II / 1, still in the same area that time Pulogadung Industrial Zone was inaugurated by Mrs. Umar Karlinah Wirahadikusumah, wife of Vice President Omar Wirahadikusumah. Martha Tilaar growing business, by acquiring a number of companies until he and his family have complete PT Martina Berto. Simultaneously it was performed in consolidated companies merged into Martha Tilaar Group. Subsidiaries Martha Tilaar Group comprises PT Martina Berto and PT Tiara Permata Sari (a manufacturer and marketer of products Sariayu Martha Tilaar, Biokos Martha Tilaar, Bella Martha Tilaar, Berto Martha Tilaar, Aromatic Oil Of Java Martha Tilaar, Dewi Sri Spa Martha Tilaar, Jamu Garden Martha Tilaar).

Martha Tilaar very keen in seeing and capturing market opportunities. In 1987, he launched the "Twilight in Sriwedari" as a new makeup trend, an idea inspired by the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia. And products in the market exploded. The make-up much recommend this product to his clients. Since then, Martha Tilaar always mempersuntingkan place names and cultural elements of the area, which is then combined with local fashion trends, to every product Sariayu Martha Tilaar.

Call it the product he put out in 1989 called the Sumatra-style, Puri Prameswari (1990) take from ethnic Cirebon and Bali, Senandung Nyiur (1991) from the coast of Indonesia, Asmat History (1992) from Irian Jaya / Papua, Toraja Rama-Rama ( 1993). And culminates in Minang Pusako color trend of Minangkabau. Sariayu managed to appear as a trendsetter makeup Indonesian women. Martha Tilaar business travel is not always smooth. He had experienced ups and downs or highs and lows of business. Although the company has a large and advanced, people still look at her eye. Understandably, herbal cosmetic products Sariayu Martha Tilaar is identical at all the local products. People like him so alone without Martha Tilaar know that the product is already global, quality, and prestigious.

In fact, Martha Tilaar Sariayu has become a global icon of local products. For example, Martha Tilaar Sariayu have Biokos classy cosmetics, Belia, Caring Colours, Professional Artist Cosmetics (PAC), Aromatic, Medicinal Garden and others that are well known to foreign countries. As a businessman, was an unyielding personality is what drove him to be successful as it is now. Martha also always think positive and never stop innovating. Since a teenager, Martha was used to sell refreshments to supplement allowance. He also likes to take Bribes and Jali-jali telik White, who thrives on eyangnya land, to be turned into necklaces and bracelets. He sold the jewelry to her friends at school. Small Martha also always pay attention to the little things and details around it.

Winning the title of Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa) in the "Fashion and Artistry" from the World University Tuscon, Arizona, USA in 1984 is to live with God's miraculous power. Been 'convicted' barren by obstetricians and gynecology abroad, after 11 years married and no children. But that did not make it up. He continues to have children through traditional means. Incidentally grandmother Martha has a herbal expert maker. For four years he was diligent in taking jejamuan it with patience and diligence. Until one day at the age of 41 years, Martha stopped menstruating. Doctors declared Martha had entered the menopause. He was very sad, because what he hankers after is unattainable.

But, because of the power of God Almighty, coming month absence this time is because he began to conceive. Martha gave birth to her first child at the age of 42 years, and in subsequent years was born three more offspring that has now become a successful children. Martha Tilaar highly committed to build the cosmetics industry. He is a major investment in research and development (R &D;). He wants to send a pharmaceutical expert staff studying abroad, or participated in various exhibitions abroad. He has two staff pharmacists doctorate, master and bachelor number one other strata. R &D; give another result. Martha Tilaar slowly managed to reduce dependence on imported raw ingredients, alternating with the local raw materials in its products. Other results again, this is more astonishing, in July 2002, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan invited Martha Tilaar attended the Global Compact forum, in New York, USA.

As a form of keperduliannya against women, Martha Martha Tilaar founded the Foundation. He educated many women and mothers about beauty. The goal is that they understand the beauty that can take care of themselves. But most so that they have the skills of beauty, something that had a lot to help women in crisis swept the nation multidimensional including termination of employment (FLE) to female employees as well as men in many other companies. For Martha Tilaar women is a huge unifying role for the integrity of the nation. Because he did not want women backward in terms of education.

Relying on the power of research and 37 researchers at Martha Tilaar's Innovation Center (MTIC), Martha successfully produce brand cosmetics, body care, spa, and herbs known to foreign tourists. Call it Sariayu, Caring, Bella, Rudy Hadisuwarno Cosmetics, Biokos, Professional Artist Cosmetics (PAC), Aromatic, Medicinal Garden, and Dewi Sri Spa. As a corporation, Martha Tilaar Group also earned ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and GMP certification in Asia in 1996.

Martha Tilaar Biography - Entrepreneur Cosmetic SuksesPrinsip share underlying beauty business Martha Tilaar manifested in the form of empowerment, especially for women. Group's overarching effort Martha Tilaar 11 subsidiaries and employs approximately 6,000 employees, 70% of whom are women. Not least among these womenfolk who have the opportunity to learn and schools free to develop themselves. Started working in the realm of the household to experts such as researchers in the company. Martha did not hesitate to send investigators belajaretnobotany to France and medical anthropology in Leiden, Netherlands. "Scientific approach needed to develop local products," he said. One more key to business success Martha Tilaar, focus on one area, namely beauty. "I started the business out of the salon, and schools, factories, distribution of which are engaged in the field of beauty.
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Biography Casey Stoner - MotoGP Rider

Posted by alfi

Casey Stoner was born in Kurri Kurri, New South Wales, Australia, October 16, 1985, Casey Stoner was the second child of the couple Colin Stoner (an itinerant painter who often become amateur motorcycle racer) and Bronwyn. Casey has a sister named Kelly Stoner, who is also a hobby and often fall in the local amateur motorcycle racing event. Ever since I was little, Stoner had known motorcycle albeit in limited touches or styled like a racer. His first motorcycle at the age of 4 years jajal as taught by his older brother.

In 1993, the family moved from Southport Stoner heading to Kurri Kurri in New South Wales in an attempt to support the efforts and spirit of a small Stoner in following the race. Casey Stoner also had to attend school until the age of 12 years before he came out and prefer to home schooling in 1997. In 1999, after seeing a big opportunity for Stoner for a career as a driver, the family decided to move to England. There they got hit by confusion due to not having the money to pay the rent and taxes apartments and forced to live in a caravan.
Biography Casey Stoner - MotoGP Rider
Stoner tested the first race at the age of four years in a land race class U9 (under age 9) Mike Hatcher at the race track, located on the Gold Coast, Australia. From the age of nine to 14 years, Stoner won 41 races and 70 local competitions interstate Australia. Stoner also had to follow the race super-busy for more than a week, when he attended five different racing classes in a race which hold 35 races. Stoner himself participated in 32 of 35 races in five different classes, and he was then able to win the five classes.

Due to the minimum age for a driver in Australia is 16 years old, Stoner then moved to England, where there is a minimum age to get a driver's license is 14 years old race. From 2000 to 2002, Stoner and then participate in the national championship 125cc racing motorcycle in the UK and Spain. Stoner managed to win the title then Championship Auto Racing Aprilia England in 2000. His appearance was impressive then appealed to the drivers as well as team manager Lucio Cecchinello, which provides an opportunity Stoner fell in the 2001 British Grand Prix as a wild card, before finally in 2002, down filled Stoner in the MotoGP 250cc class with LCR Racing.

In 2003, still with LCR Racing, Stoner then drop in the 125cc class. Supported by Aprilia, Stoner has recorded four podium finishes, three of which are winning the second position in Germany, Brazil, and the Pacific as well as the victory that he had won in Valencia at the end of the season. With this result, Stoner then managed to sit in P8 standings with 125 points. 2004 season, Stoner to part with LCR Racing and joined the Red Bull KTM team. In this season he was only able to win one race is in Malaysia. But he could still be entertained by finishing second twice and finished third three times. Position in the 2004 season standings Stoner was P5 with 145 points.

In 2005, Stoner returned to the 250cc class and again partnering with Team LCR Aprilia Racing and the manufacturer. Riding a motorcycle with the manufacturer's specification, Stoner appeared as the main challenger Daniel Pedrosa and Honda, and even Stoner had also had several opportunities to become leaders. Stoner himself managed to win in Portugal, China, Malaysia and Qatar. Apesnya, when racing in front of his own public that the Australian Grand Prix, Stoner crashed and was forced to forget his dream of becoming world champion in 250cc in 2005 even if Stoner was once again able to win the race in
Turkey. Stoner then managed to finish as the runner-up in the 250cc championship in 2005 with a value of 254 points.

The fall of 2005, Stoner said to have pocketed a formal contract with Yamaha for a companion Valentino Rossi in the 2006 season. But then Yamaha cancel a partnership, and could make Casey Stoner disappointed. In January 2006, Stoner and then try to re-invite Lucio Checchinello to want to become supporters to get off the race in the MotoGP class in 2006. Checchinello later agreed, and he immediately contacted the HRC and ask proporsal leasing one unit Honda RC211V for 2006 season. Honda then agree, and be cooperative and Checchinello Stoner continued in the 2006 season in the MotoGP class.

Debut Stoner in the MotoGP class series begins in Spain in Jerez, where he finished in P6. At the next race in Qatar, Stoner immediately inception by grabbing pole position, but during the race he was only able to finish P5. Stoner then went on a brilliant performance to win narrowly in Turkey before making a fatal mistake on the last lap which caused him to fail to win the race and had to settle for P2 behind Marco Melandri. In mid-season, Stoner then appear unstable and did a lot of mistakes that led to the accident. Even so, he performed quite well in the 2006 season by finishing in P8 standings with 119 points.

Honda made a fatal mistake at the end of 2006 with no long-term contracts with Stoner managed to put to good use by Ducati, Stoner finally managed to sign for the 2007 season., In the 2007 season alone Stoner join Loris Capirossi at the Italian team. Stoner Sete Gibernau replaced the fired because it is considered less convincing appearance and tends to decrease.

Rumor return Stoner to Honda has been echoed since the beginning of the 2010 season, but both Stoner and Repsol Honda has denied these rumors. Honda could even say that they are more satisfied with the performance of the current team was the duo of Daniel Pedrosa and Andrea Dovizioso. In June 2010, the news of Stoner's move to Honda finally become a reality after Honda agreed to multi-year contract with the Australian rider. Position Stoner at Ducati will be replaced by the legendary racer Valentino Rossi, while Honda alone Stoner Pedrosa and Dovizioso will be joined.

Casey Stoner is currently living in Monte Carlo, Monaco, where his family still commute Australia-UK-Monaco. Stoner himself had said that in just one year he can return to the homeland in Australia, namely during the Australian MotoGP race. Casey Stoner first met Adriana Tuchyna from Adelaide in the Australian MotoGP race 2003. At that Stoner gave his signature in the stomach Adriana, after the Australian women's "little" forced Stoner to want to sign her stomach. The relationship between Stoner and Adriana began in 2005 when Adriana was 16 years old. Then in 2007, the couple agreed to marry.

Casey Stoner revealed that in the future, after he retired as a MotoGP rider, he wanted to get off at a car racing event. One car racing event that he wanted to try was the Australian V8 Supercar Series, the championship race is touring Australia. Stoner himself apparently often test high-tech cars, such as when it tests the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione in 2008, after he became world champion in MotoGP. Alfa Romeo himself was listed as a sponsor of the Ducati team. Stoner himself was one of the lucky ones because he can get the car for free as a reward for his achievement became world champion in 2007.
ReadmoreBiography Casey Stoner - MotoGP Rider

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